Introduction to Spirit ONLINE Course




Your Senses & Reveal Your Inner Knowing...

Are you seeing movement in the shadows & out of the corner of your eye?

Do you ever feel like something is out there that you just can't explain?

What if, you could actually hear what the whispers are saying?

Once you evolve your awareness it will start to happen on all levels and you will begin to hear the whispers and see in the shadows...

Your self-esteem will grow to complement your increased confidence and belief in yourself and align with your new

 strength to start saying YES TO YOU!!!


It's now time to step out of your comfort zone, no longer feel stuck and step into a place of knowing, giving yourself the upper hand

Within the Introduction to Spirit course, you will be given an in-depth understanding of the spirit world, including all the tools you need to kick-start your spiritual and intuitive development.

 Let's awaken your abilities and gain the skills to connect to spirit, your guides and passed loved ones. You will learn to protect yourself the right way keeping you and your family safe...


You will receive entry to a private online learning platform and access to a huge amazing library of 30+ meditations, over 670 hours of audio, videos, charts, manuals, demonstrations and so much more...

Each module follows on from the last to build up the knowledge and skills you are being taught, you will receive tasks, and activities and will be able to test your knowledge through the small challenges we set.

There is many little bonuses along the way that can be used to make huge changes in your life and give you insights into behaviours and how to confidently make good decisions and start your new life.


Embark on the journey

of unveiling the

truth and connecting to the

other side!!!

It is an amazing feeling to have the comfort of spirit in your life and more incredible to be given information, direction and guidance every day.  

Imagine if, you could receive answers, be guided and have direction at any given moment... 

Imagine how good it would feel if you were able to guide to those you love when they are hurting or are stuck facing setbacks that would free them from their challenges and through the tough times...


Let us show you how...


Let us give you the tools to transform lives with your new gifts... 

Join us in a place that has no judgment and respects your journey, a place that is supported by like-minded people who understand why you feel the way you do and know how to deal with it...

Let us work together to open the channels for receiving accurate and specific information and refine your abilities while becoming aware of how to align your energy to you can take back control of your life and begin to live it on your terms... 


Our program will give you the confidence to connect to your worth and allow room in your life for the love you have always desired and that is just the beginning...

The time is now.....


Take the steps you need to re-connect back to your core, ignite the spark inside and gain the clarity to discover your identity, connect to your purpose and find meaning in what you do...

To UNLOCK your personal introduction into the world of SPIRIT and begin the JOURNEY of saying YES to you!!!


What you will discover in this course is the ability to understand and not fear what we cannot see.

Learn the tools needed to take back your life and begin to live the life you were meant to live and have spirit by your side, guiding you along the way.


Raise your vibration to begin opening the doors to great opportunities and start the journey of knowing who you are and walking your true path with confidence, worth and love in your heart...

Choose Your Payment Options... 

Option 1 - Take It Slow

Easy Payment of


(Over 12 Weeks)


  • Easy Weekly Installment of $67 over 3 months


  • Instant access to your Introduction to Spirit Course


  • 10 Modules of valuable information, meditations, activities and tools for you to connect to the other side


  • Over 670 hours of knowledge and 30+ meditations with a full colour illustrated manual


  • Demonstration of each skill and modality


  • Bonus Modules to enhance your skills


  • Additional workbooks to enhance your life and mindset


  • Invitation to join our Introduction to Spirit Private Online Group and our online community.


Option 2 - Take It All Now

The Express Way


(Saving  over $100)


  • Upfront Investment of $697 for your complete activation program


  • Instant access to your Introduction to Spirit Course


  • 10 Modules of valuable information, meditations, activities and tools for you to connect to the other side


  • Over 670 hours of knowledge and 30+ meditations with a full colour illustrated manual


  • Demonstration of each skill and modality


  • Bonus Modules to enhance your skills


  • Additional workbooks to enhance your life and mindset


  • Invitation to join our Introduction to Spirit Private Online Group and our online community.



Awaken Your Consciousness


Find out how to connect to your natural intuitive abilities and start your personal journey as a psychic medium.


This course covers the principle foundations, the knowledge and tools to hone your skills and abilities and opens the pathway for you to connect to guides, passed loved and assist others with guidance, knowledge and healing.


The Introduction To Spirit Program was created with the beginner in mind who is interested in the psychic and mediumship world and has no experience and it is also perfect for the practicing medium that would like to build and refine their knowledge to further their skills.

At the end of this course you will have the knowledge and the tools to sit any class and further develop your own skill set as a psychic medium, to be able to deliver true, correct and accurate information containing names, dates, and references that your clients will be able to place in their life, yet it so much more than that.


It will give you the understanding of how to use all the levels of perceptions, separately and together, connect and grow your relationships with your spirit guides and be able to open the channels to passed loved ones, both for you and for others to assist with the healing process and to give evidence that life does exist after we cross over.


You will be able to protect yourself energetically when needed and have a large understanding of the workings of energy, finding, and creating balance in your life as your confidence grows,

knowing how it can benefit and so much more...

Work with the energy bring yourself into alignment with your path and connect to what truly matters even more....