Everyone can communicate with their spirit guides, the ability is not limited to a “gifted” few, yet is a universal gift to all who wish to develop it.
Working to have conscious communication with your spirit and your guides also means understanding energy, keeping yourself safe and interpreting all the types of communication that come to you.
Click below to find out more about our Introduction to Spirit Workshop and all that you need to complement these gifts.
Reiki is a vibrational level of Divine energy that makes up the life force of everything in the universe.
Seichem is the feminine healing spiritual energy that channels living light energy. It is a beautiful compassionate and balanced healing modality, which complements the masculine Reiki energy.
Reiki & Seichem accelerates the body’s natural ability to heal including imbalances of mind and spirit. It opens you to receive joy, relaxation and balance within the being.
In the past, the art of storytelling was passed from one naturally attuned practitioner to another.
The power of the tarot comes from the combination of personal and universal energies. You can see each card for its imagery and be supported by the symbology and the understanding that has followed the Tarot for decades.
In essence, the study of the Tarot is a tool for telling your story, past and present and future. It is the awakening of your intuitive abilities and putting us in touch with our inner world.
Spirit Artistry allows us to connect to the beyond the physical dimension.
Allowing us to open ourselves to unlimited possibilities as we learn to listen and focus on all the knowing aspects of our consciousness.
You will develop techniques in soft pastels that can be utilised in creating portraits, animals, inspirational work, and spirit guides.
This will be combined with an understanding of how to construct colour, tone, perspective, and design, all in an enjoyable friendly atmosphere.
The word Chakra in Sanskrit translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’. They are the energy centres of activity that receive, assimilate expressing in life-force energy.
When one or more Chakras are blocked or distorted, the energy doesn't flow resulting in an imbalance that manifests in other areas of our body and life.
In the past dowsing or divining has mainly been used for locating water, oil and minerals, diagnosing disease, locating missing persons and even finding gems beneath the earth.
This 2-day workshop has been designed to open your awareness to the energies of guides, spirit helpers and loved ones who assist you in your everyday life. It will introduce you to the foundations and understanding of what becoming a psychic and a medium evolves. A psychic is someone who can read energy to gain an awareness of current and future events and a medium is someone who can speak to spirit guides, spirit helpers, passed family and loved ones to gain information to better the lives of those who seek advice.
Everyone has the ability to communicate with spirit and guides... It is only limited to the naturally gifted, it is a universal skill and we are all born with the psychic ability to connect, it is just a matter of developing your awareness to be sensitive to the energies that surround you.
Working towards having conscious communication with spirit guides means that you can always have guidance and support. This guidance can come through symbols, images, words or just a knowing of what is right and wrong for your direction.
This workshop will introduce you to the spirit world, meditation, energy, and protection and begin the journey of getting to know the self.
We will introduce you to modalities and techniques that will support your growth and your ongoing relationship with guides and spirit helpers alike.
Having the belief that your guides and guardians speak to you through daily events, coincidences and synchronicities gives you a receptivity that can change your attitude to a more creative approach to your life...
Email us with any questions and to find out more and our 2-Day Understanding Spirit Workshop
Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing and Seichem complements Reiki, as the feminine energy divine.
This hands-on healing is a vibrational level of divine energy that makes up the life force of everything in the universe that builds and protects. The universal life energy is a powerful natural energy that flows constantly through all living beings, humans, animals and plants, nourishing and sustaining them and is available to be drawn on and utilised in our daily lives.
Everyone has the potential to connect to this universal energy and use it for healing purposes, to bring about body, emotional, and mental equilibrium. This universal energy is channelled by people who have been attuned to the necessary vibrations enabling them to receive the energy and pass it on to others, animals or use it on themselves.
Reiki & Seichem helps healing of all kinds and relieves pains and acute symptoms very quickly. It can help to find out more about yourself and bring you more self-awareness. Helping to restore the natural balance of energies within the body, reduces stress and promotes relaxation.
The 2-day workshop works within the boundaries of Reiki I & II & Seichim Level I. It allows you and your skills to grow before completing the Master's Class. We will provide you with all the tools required to be a successful healer, introducing and guiding you with the techniques used in the ancient Reiki and Seichim symbols. The Master's Class is included in the costs and is run separately from the 2-day workshop.
This workshop will provide you with all the knowledge and awareness needed to begin healing on a professional level and a personal level. It will teach you how to incorporate healing into your daily life, guiding you through self-healing positions, absent healing and many more.
Tarot is an ancient system of using cards for divination. Tarot cards are a tool for personal transformation and have interpreted the symbolism as a new map of the subconscious. They are designed to reflect specific trends in mystical & magical imagery, sexuality, religion, culture, and philosophy, there are hundreds of interpretations, and more are being created and released every day. The diversity of the styles allows Tarot readers to choose a deck that suits their personalities and with our Universal formula of interpretation it can be used across any Tarot deck.
This workshop will enable you to gain knowledge and insight into the process of tarot, it will give you a full understanding of all 78 cards by using a simple, yet in-depth formula and by utilising the symbology within each card to convey the messages through the images of the cards. It will give you an awareness of spreads for all situations and environments and show you how tarot can be a useful tool for guidance and future predictions.
We incorporate symbology into our Tarot reading workshop as the imagery within Tarot cards is an integral part of reading the cards and without symbology, the information can be limited to the traditional interpretation and some added intuition. Symbology is the study of the interpretation of symbols or symbolism. Understanding symbolism allows you to express yourself through the hidden meanings of ancient and modern subconscious symbols of the soul. Using symbology you will be able to draw the full meaning of the card, complimented by your intuition and backed with the traditional foundation of Tarot. This will enable your readings to go from good to extraordinary...
This 2-day workshop will cover all the minor and major arcana, number scales and the symbology of images, placement, colours and card relationships. You will be given all the tools needed to understand the cards and to practice your learnings through the 2 days. The full colour manuals will assist your on going learning as your practice your skills and hone your abilities.
Art has been around for more than 40,000 years, it is a very important tool as it allows us to utilise our right brain hemisphere, which is on the same side as our psychic ability. Spirit Artistry allows us to “tap” into something beyond the physical dimension and provides us with an opportunity to unite to unlimited possibilities when we learn how to listen and focus on all the knowing aspects of our consciousness.
Spirit Artistry is a wonderful medium to connect to and conduct this energy into an art form that can change our lives. Psychic art is perhaps one of the lesser-known psychic’s skills, yet one of the most fascinating. Mediumship has many forms, whereas some mediums 'see' spirit people and others hear them etc., some mediums are able to draw them! Often the medium had no previous artistic talent, and perhaps it is this fact that makes these portraits even more remarkable. Come and learn how to work with spirit through the medium of pastels.
This workshop is designed to provide evidence that no artistic ability is required; it is only a matter of trust. Students develop techniques in pastel that can be utilised in creating portraits, animals, inspirational paintings, and spirit guide portraits, and this is combined with an understanding of how to construct colour, tone, perspective, and design, all in an enjoyable friendly atmosphere.
The word Chakra in Sanskrit translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’. Chakras are entry gates of the aura, and reside within the physical body. They are energy centres of activity that receive, assimilate, and express life-force energy. These energy centres are responsible for one’s physical, mental and spiritual functions and are permanently rotating and vibrating. This means your Chakras can be influenced by energy, thoughts and even how your body responds to your environment or circumstances.
So when one or more of the Chakras are blocked the energy does not flow through them and will result in an imbalance that is manifested in other areas of body and life. By balancing your Chakras, you restore the energy field which creates total harmony in all levels of the aura.
Divining/dowsing is a skill that can be used to give answers and identify locations. It can be used to determine what is right for you to your body, to locate items or minerals or even to find missing persons. It is an accurate tool that can be very useful as well as a tool that the whole family can use.
This workshop teaches you about chakras, their purpose and benefits, functional and non-functional. We will introduce you to pendulums and divining rods to teach you what the benefits are, showing you techniques for balancing, as well as guidance and how they can be useful tools within your life.