The NuGiza Harmoniser


The NuGiza Harmoniser

The various forms of water pollution that infest our oceans, rivers, and lakes are similarly affected. Parasites and insects that thrive on lower levels of spectral output leave for parts unknown when subjected to this field. The paramagnetic value of depleted tracts of soil increases allowing for the retention of moisture and enhancing its capacity to hold more oxygen. Plants and crops flourish as a result – things grow better.

What applies to air, water, soil, and vegetation applies to human beings as well. People are positively affected by the Harmonizer field and it is safe to say that anything that is not of the light gets removed from the human aura. With more light shed on every issue, core beliefs and patterns that restrict growth dissolve. This makes it easier to connect physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually with that which is in our highest good. Health improves, relationships improve, everything improves ­ and anything that needs to change to allow for that improvement shifts accordingly as part of the process.


The NuGiza Harmoniser
35cm high
14cm square
Orgon-nite base

There are a number of ways to power the harmoniser. We have many tutorials on our YouTube channel also
Not only can they be used to cleanse the environment they can also be used to run healing frequencies into it for self or group healings
I have the Royal Rife Frequency list available to anyone who would like it
The harmoniser will come with a CD but you can also use a tone generator app like NCH Tone Generator and run specific frequencies into the harmoniser.
We also have a 24/7 support chat group on messenger only for harmoniser owners
Please message me for YouTube links or to join the support group

Out of all of the Tensor Tools Harmonizers have garnered more attention than any of the others. And Now Sacred Knowledge Energy Tools have created a whole new range of Harmonizers that are Next Level, and proving to be a force to be recond with in our current day conditions. The Harmonizers may well be the cream of the tool crop. The pollution clearing experiments that Drunvalo has talked about in so many of his workshops and that he has described so well in the first chapter of “Living In

The Heart” were done with the earliest version of this tool. The Harmonizers came into being when Slim discovered that the Rings transmit light and generate clearing effects over a distance. Extrapolating that concept he got to
thinking about what might happen if he configured three rings, 120 degrees apart into one unit. At the suggestion of a clairvoyant he centered a Coil vertically inside this ring configuration. It didn’t take long for Slim to notice that this device seemed to have clearing effects on the air and the environment surrounding his basement laboratory.
Wondering if there might be a way to expand these clearing effects over an even greater distance Slim enlisted the support of frequency genius, Bob Dratch. Knowing that water is the universal solvent that connects everything in creation, they aimed Bob’s Molecular Scanner at a rain cloud and caught the frequency of the water molecule on tape. It turned out to be a good idea because when they played these frequencies into the Harmonizer the field effect of this simple little contraption expanded to a radius of fifteen miles.

In the spring of 1994 ten Harmonizer units were set up thirty miles apart from each
other, all around the Denver area. Water frequencies were played into these units for one hour and by nightfall the infamous “Brown Cloud” was nowhere to be seen.
Slim’s first pollution clearing experiment offered concrete proof that the Harmonizer could do exactly what he thought it could do. Weather reports the following day announced that the Denver air was so clean you could see all the way to Utah. Further experiments done in Cairo, Phoenix, Mexico City, and Cleveland produced the same results. Seeing good results in the sky to crobrate these words. How Do The Harmonizers Work?

If you understand how the Rings and the Coils function it’s easy to figure out why the Harmonizers work the way they do. Picture three Rings, each generating its own column of pure white light, radiating out from a central point. Knowing that the light emanating from one ring clears and enlightens anything in its path, imagine what a configuration of three beams might do to the overall environment!

Seen from overhead this arrangement of rings forms six columns of pure white light that radiate outward into the environment over quite a distance – you could liken a Harmonizer to an “energetic lighthouse”. Conjoining the action of the rings with the sucking ­transmutational effect of the Coil in the center of the unit allows the frequencies to circulate and fill the atmosphere. As the higher light frequencies generated by the Harmonizer permeate the etheric matrix anything that is not of the light is either transmuted or displaced, leaving everything in the environment enlightened and clear.

Slim produces Harmonizers in different sizes. Each one generates a Toroidal, or
donut­ shaped field of light that circulates up, down, and all around. The radius of the field varies depending on the size of the unit, but the clearing effects are the same.
These are quantum effects that impact physical systems at the atomic level.

Research has shown that the orbital radii of all the electrons in the environment are expanded under the influence of any Harmonizer. This phenomenon makes it possible for every living system lying within the Harmonizer field to hold more light. Light is the essence of life – everything is light​. The presence of higher light frequencies increases the life force in any situation, transmutes negative to positive, and produces very subtle but beneficial effects.
For instance ­carbon monoxide is transmuted into its base elements, carbon and oxygen under the influence of the Harmonizer. Singled out, these elements by themselves do no harm to the atmosphere. Air pollution is reduced because the toxic chemicals that make it up get broken down to their base elements when exposed to the Harmonizer field.

The various forms of water pollution that infest our oceans, rivers, and lakes are similarly affected. Parasites and insects that thrive on lower levels of spectral output leave for parts unknown when subjected to this field. The paramagnetic value of depleted tracts of soil increases allowing for the retention of moisture and enhancing its capacity to hold more oxygen. Plants and crops flourish as a result – things grow better.
What applies to air, water, soil, and vegetation applies to human beings as well. People are positively affected by the Harmonizer field and it is safe to say that anything that is not of the light gets removed from the human aura. With more light shed on every issue, core beliefs and patterns that restrict growth dissolve. This makes it easier to connect physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually with that which is in our highest good. Health improves, relationships improve, everything improves ­ and anything that needs to change to allow for that improvement shifts accordingly as part of the process.

Harmonizers are known to raise conscious awareness allowing you to attain greater focus. Comprehensive support for the shift mankind now and beyond is offered.
Sacred Knowledge Energy Tools has combined the works of
– Slim Spurling ( Tensor Tech )
– Nicola Tesla ( Mobius Coil )
– Wilhelm Reich ( Orgone )
– Royal Rife ( Frequency Healing )
These Tools have been helpful to many people in:
– Improving health & Wellness
– Decreasing Stress
– Calming severe weather
– Cleaning the environment of Toxins
– Clearing homes and work space from negative energy

Additional information

Dimensions 14 × 14 × 35 cm


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