Gympie DreaMTime Tensor Ring
Delivers a sense of Belonging & Calms Anxiety. It is connected to DreaMTime Knowledge of Australia’s Ancient Past.
In meditation some have found they have accessed messages from Universal Quantum Consciousness
DreaMTime ring brings to us Balance of Neg/Pos ~ Abundance/Lack, Freedom/Restrictions within our manifesting abilities giving us the Power to Change thing ( The World ).
Sacred Knowledge Energy Tools has produced many of their own designs and new active cubits and have also taken the harmoniser to the next level by including the works of Wilhelm Reich, Nicola Tesla and Royal Rife!
What is a Tensor Ring?
Within a Tensor Ring is an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic with an output that is beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to chaos, and easily stabilizes and equalizes the bio magnetic and energy fields of the body. Tensor Fields produce a measurable gravitational effect.
Tensor Technology is noted for its use in healing, energizing and restructuring water, enhancing plant growth and vitality, beekeeping, among thousands of other observations, including connectivity to the spiritual.
Tensor Fields are science based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Scientific and Spiritual Technologies.
How do they work?
When copper is heated and drawn to create the wire, the crystalline structure within the wire is aligned creates a one-way piezoelectric energy flow. When a wire is folded, twisted, and the ends meet back on themselves, they create a continuous flow of energy both ways. When cut to precise measurements, the twisted crystalline copper creates an antenna. So, Tensor Rings are basically a piezoelectric-powered antenna. These precise measures are call Cubit measures. Several Cubits have been found that were used to align and construct Sacred Sites around the globe
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