Cosmic WashTub Matrix Harmoniser


The Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizer

The Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizer, is our largest Energy Harmonizer with a diameter of about 8.5 in or a bit smaller than a basketball. Slim Spurling’s intention was to eliminate air pollution and prevent storms from building up to hurricanes and tornadoes. The larger Environmental and Agricultural Energy Harmonizers were designed to cover large areas unlike the Mini or Personal Energy Harmonizers which are for your personal space. The larger size and wider range are found to be more effective in helping to abate severe weather and agricultural conditions caused by drought or pests.


The Cosmic Washtub Energy Harmonizer

This harmonizer is our largest Energy Harmonizer with a diameter of about 8.5 in or a bit smaller than a basketball. Slim Spurling’s intention was to eliminate air pollution and prevent storms from building up to hurricanes and tornadoes. The larger Environmental and Agricultural Energy Harmonizers were designed to cover large areas unlike the Mini or Personal Energy Harmonizers which are for your personal space. The larger size and wider range are found to be more effective in helping to abate severe weather and agricultural conditions caused by drought or pests.

In the early years Slim avoided making Energy Harmonizers in even the Sacred Cubit size because he felt the energy would have been too strong. Ten years later, the number of cities grew and the public was more aware of pollution. The time was right for a much stronger version and that’s how it came to be. According to Slim, this Harmonizer has a range of 2,500 miles.

There are a number of ways to power the harmoniser. We have many tutorials on our YouTube channel also not only can they be used to cleanse the environment they can also be used to run healing frequencies into it for self or group healings
I have the Royal Rife Frequency list available to anyone who would like it
The harmoniser will come with a CD but you can also use a tone generator app like NCH Tone Generator and run specific frequencies into the harmoniser.
We also have a 24/7 support chat group on messenger only for harmoniser owners
Please message me for YouTube links or to join the support group

Germicidal Properties
– Brass is also anti-bacterial, a property that is characteristic of most non-ferrous metals. Their molecules produce ions that target a certain protein in single-celled microorganisms, resulting in their demise. The entire process takes about two to four hours depending on the type of metal involved. This is the reason why copper alloys, such as brass, are ideal for filtration systems.

Made from the full Royal and Lost Cubits with hand made copper base

ATTENTION- washtubs will be made with BRASS beads for the time being as we cannot get our usual copper beads they are 67% copper and work just as well

Please be sure to chose what beads you would like on this pending availability


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