The Empowerment Cubit New Dimension Harmoniser and Ring Set


The Empowerment Cubit New Dimension Harmoniser and Ring Set

* Inspire creativity
* Pacify and smooth irritating energies created by 5G
* Balance our environment
* Enhance positive intentions
* Clean all kinds of environmental pollution
* Empower our connection to source
* Clear other man made frequencies


The Empowerment Cubit New Dimension Harmoniser and Ring Set

There are a number of ways to power the harmoniser. We have many tutorials on our YouTube channel also
Not only can they be used to cleanse the environment they can also be used to run healing frequencies into it for self or group healings
I have the Royal Rife Frequency list available to anyone who would like it
The harmoniser will come with a CD but you can also use a tone generator app like NCH Tone Generator and run specific frequencies into the harmoniser.
We also have a 24/7 support chat group on messenger only for harmoniser owners
Please message me for YouTube links or to join the support group

Community Harmoniser was created for people concerned about the harmful effects of the 5G Technology. This Harmoniser is said to reduce the negative effects of 5G technology significantly. It seems to neutralise harmful energies and balances out irritating man made frequencies.

The Empowerment Cubit New Dimension Community Energy Harmoniser exceeds the range of both the Sacred and Lost Cubit. Its field can be expanded significantly by placing it inside the New Dimension Lost Cubit Ring. This Harmoniser is designed and reported to:

* Inspire creativity
* Pacify and smooth irritating energies created by 5G
* Balance our environment
* Enhance positive intentions
* Clean all kinds of environmental pollution
* Empower our connection to source
* Clear other man made frequencies

It comes with a Lost Cubit New Dimension Tensor Ring is used to expand the harmonisers field, and a Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring to place it in overnight on occasion to clear the energy or to close the range down. The Sacred cubit ring reduces the range of the Harmoniser to the size of the ring.

Included :-
New Dimension Lost cubit ring is 8 inches across
Full Royal Cubit is made from heavy gauge
Over 34 meters of wire used in the making of just the harmoniser
Over 30 meters to make the new dimension ring


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